Frequently Asked questions


Is your record publicly tracked?

Yup! Free and VIP statistics can be found in this Google Sheet.

How are my payments processed?

All payments are being processed by Stripe! Stripe is an online payment processing platform that allows businesses to securely send and receive payments over the internet.

What does The vip Service include?

VIP Memberships give you access to the exclusive @ttpvip page. Please refer to the memberships tab for further information.

Can i set up an automatic subscription renewal?

We currently do not offer automatic subscription renewals. When your subscription expires we will reach out to you on Twitter with next steps!

Are max locks posted daily?

Max Locks are NOT posted daily. Make sure that you see a post from @toptierpicks_ on Twitter before purchasing a Max Lock!

How do Max lock guarantees work?

When you purchase a Max Lock, you will be provided with a photo file that will contain the play. In the unlikely event of a loss, you will be entitled to the next Max Lock at no charge. You can reach out on Twitter @toptierpicks_ and we will help you from there!